
Movie Review- Disney’s Frozen

After a series of CGI films, comes Frozen, the newest of Disney’s princess movies that is Directored Chris Buck (Tarzan) and Jennifer Lee (Wreck-It-Ralph). The two of them bring us a film very VERY loosely based on the fairy tale The Snow Queen by Hans Christen Andersen.

The story goes that a princess named Elsa of Arendelle (Idina Menzel) possesses magical abilities, especially the ability to control snow and ice, but she accidentally harms her sister Anna (Kristen Bell). After stone trolls save Anna, they also wipe her memory free of any knowledge of Elsa’s abilities. After growing up in isolation and the death of her parents, Elsa is about to be made Queen of Arendelle.

Anna reveals that she has instantly fallen in love with Prince Hans (Santino Fontana) from a neighboring kingdom. This prince is the youngest of twelve brothers, but is absolutely head over heals for Anna. This causes Elsa a great deal of stress and she accidentally reveals her powers. She flees the scene, but in the process, she causes an early winter storm that freezes the whole kingdom. Anna and a local ice maker named Kristoff (Jonathan Groff) team up with an enchanted snowman named Olaf to find Anna and reverse the spell before the people Arendelle freeze to death.

This is one of the best films to come from Disney as far as aesthetics. The music is incredible, especially the highly acclaimed song Let It Go. The animation is top-notch and if Disney wants to sell us that CGI is better than the traditional form, than this is the one to do it, but it will not make you forget about the OG animation. 

The problem with the film is its core message.

Gone are the days of true love. We have officially entered the world of political correctness.  Every male in the film (with the exception of Kristoff) are shown to be overbearing, sinister, backstabbing, and a little toxic. Whereas the films of old taught that friendship and true love would bring about a decent coming-of-age tale, Frozen weaves a different lens. Instead, the princesses learn that true love is not found in the toxic male, but in their own hearts. Without the classical Disney villain archetype, it is clear that most of the men in the film are the villain with no redeeming qualities or quantifiers. 

While most of this messaging would go over a kid’s head, it should not be lost on the adults. The seeds were sown in Brave, and now we are feasting our eyes on a movie with no scary villains, message of courage, or fighting for the good. Instead, it is a expensive imitation of a cautionary tale about the abuse of power that trades the moral about fighting evil for political correctness. 

FAVORITE QUOTE: Did I say that out loud? 

PARENTAL CONCERNS: Magic and Sorcery, mild violence

Check out the trailer below:

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This article has been updated from a previous version.