
Happy Patriot Day 2015 Part 2: Remembering 9-11-2012

On September 11th, 2012, I was sitting in my room when I saw a news update. A group of cowards with the same so-called ideology from 2001 attacked our Libyan embassy in Benghazi. They charged it, bombed it, murdered several of the staff, and then paraded around their bodies. It was another horrifying attack on the America, but on this attack was different. This was an attack on what we, as free Americans, believe in.

This time, unlike when I was twelve, my patriot spirit did arise and once again I felt for the victims. I was so proud of the brave soldiers who risked life and limb and openly defied a stand down order to save the lives that they could. That kind of courage is what makes the United States of America great.

Once again, we came together and mourned the death of these brave Americans. Though questions still remain, we can be proud of them and hope that their deaths will some day be vindicated.

I want to take today to honor the families of the victims, the rescuers, and their families.

We will never forget! Happy Patriot Day!