
#amreading- Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide

Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro hailed Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide as “thorough.”

Truly, no other word can describe the masterful diction that Michael J. Knowles, author, philosopher, Beatles-aficionado, playwright, uses to write this compelling read. He uses pure logic to break down the reasons that everyone, including Conservatives, should vote for Democrats.

If you are on the Left, the book may make you angry. If you on are the Right, you will be weeping and then laughing at the revelation you have received. The author refers to it as “a comprehensive guide” and there is no better way to say it. He is such a savant on breaking down these reasons, you will surrender to his intellectualism.

SPOILER ALERT: I tried to find a way to challenge his points, object to his arguments, and destroy, nay, eviscerate the core thesis that is at the heart of this genius level inquiry. I was unsuccessful. I read it from cover to cover, literally in fifteen minutes. As I turned from page to page, chapter to chapter, I found every statement rang with truth. I was moved by the passion in which he writes. Actually, he only titled the book, chapters, page numbers, and Mr. Knowles wrote the bibliography. Other than that, the book is completely blank. It has no text. Nothing.

The book is completely BLANK. It is one of the most hilarious gag gifts you can get your Liberal friends or your Conservative ones just to play a prank on them. One of the oddest things is, it is an Amazon national bestseller. It is number one in political humor and today, it became the NUMBER ONE AMAZON BESTSELLER.

The book will have you angry, then crying, and finally roaring with laughter. I highly recommend you getting Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide for your friends who vote Democrat. It may be a great way to start a conversation or end a friendship. Either way, it is some great political humor.

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