
COVER REVEAL: ‘The Seven Royals: All Good Things’ Now Available

I have an update for my new novel The Seven Royals: All Good Things! It goes on sale today! Above is the first look at the amazing cover art!

For those of you who do not know about the backstory, I have been trying to get this book published for sometime with many struggles and processes along the way. I almost signed on with a Ponzi-scheme vanity publisher. That would have been a disaster, but thank goodness I managed to avoid it. After pitching it for a long time, Abuzz Press picked it up and has given it the green-light. Their staff was easy to work with, hospitable, and dealt with my personal quirks with ease. Now my book is ready for your reading pleasure!

It has been a painstaking process, but The Seven Royals: All Good Things has been such a joy to write, I hope it is a joy to read. You can pick up your copy on Amazon by clicking here!

Here is synopsis for those who missed it:

On the world of Paraina, seven young royals from the land of Craih have been banished from their kingdoms by an evil mage and a grieving emperor, but under the leadership of Prince Jasher, they must return to claim their birthright and set their people free.

Jasher, Philip, Talia, Connor, Rapunzel, James, and Belle were living peaceful lives until Emperor Midas and the evil magician Fabius Thorne attacked their lands with their dark army. The young Dragon Prince Jasher is put into a frozen sleep while the others are scattered for their protection. Ten years later, Jasher awakens with a mystical blue sword and sets out to find the other six. Along the way, the royals encounter friends, foes, and unexpected allies as they journey back to their homeland. However, Thorne’s apprentice Omri is tracking them with murder on his mind.

The cover art was done by the incredible artist Rebecca Shapiro! Check out her work here.

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