Documentary Review- Behind The Curve (2018)

We all have that one friend who has that weird belief. Behind The Curve explores one of the most unique and bizarre groups in our society, flat earthers. Directed by Daniel J. Clark, he meets and talks to real flat earthers. From the nut-jobs to the weirdos, and even to the strangely normal people who hold…

#amreading – Twelve Books Every College Kid Should Read

There have been several book list for Millennial college kids that are floating along on the internet. Many of them have a very left-wing perspective. I decided to do my own list of books based on my own experience. Here are twelve books every college kid should read. Winning With People by John Maxwell– Usually, Maxwell’s…

Happy Birthday, Gene Roddenberry

‘Star Trek’ says that it has not all happened, it has not all been discovered, that tomorrow can be as challenging and adventurous as any time man has ever lived. -Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991) Thank you for giving us Star Trek

Just Courage

Many people assume that having courage is a lack of fear. You feel nothing but the adrenaline as you rush into the situation and glide into victory. The truth is, if that really happened, then there was probably no risk involved in the first place. So what is courage? The great American actor and icon…