
Devotional- Have You Believed A Lie?

Do you struggle with thinking yourself a klutz? Maybe you think that you are not smart or not pretty. Could it be that someone told you that? Maybe someone a long time ago said one or all or more of these things. “You’re not pretty!” “You’ll never amount to anything!” “You have no talent!” “You’re a clumsy oaf!” Let me tell you something, the person may have said it innocently or have been concerned, but these are all lies and curses brought about by our enemy the devil. When you believe these lies, you let the enemy come right in and take away the truth of what God says.

Have you opened the door to let the enemy in? Then you need to find that open door and close it! Lies are not of God and will not bring you life. Even if you pray to break them, if you still believe them the enemy can still use them against you.

One strategy of the enemy is he salts the lies with a tab bit of truth. In my studies, I have narrowed it down to two ways the enemy comes after us:

  1. The sins we continue to commit: when we continue to commit the same sin over and over again, we open the door to believe the enemy’s lies. To get delivered, you need Sozo ministry: saved, healed, and delivered. You just need to rebuke that thing with the help of your friends and church family. Keep at it and don’t give up!
  2. The words that we speak: The power of life and death are in the hands of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). What you speak over yourself or others you can create bondage. Words can be curses, but Jesus can break those over you. Instead of saying, “I’m not pretty,” say, “I’m a child of God and He made so I am good.” You’ll see an attitude change in how you present yourself and grow to think of yourself in a better light.

How do you know if you believe a lie? It doesn’t surprise you. The things we think will affect our attitude and we will become what we think we are. If we think our lies are truth, then we live according to that lie and it becomes a curse.

Remember, the truth will set you free. The enemy is doing everything he can to make us believe a lie, but remember in God’s Kingdom, there are no lies. There are no diseases or curses. You should fight with that truth. We are the Body of Christ and we don’t have to take it from the enemy. If someone comes at you with a lie, just pray to yourself, “Holy Spirit, show me the truth. I am a child of God and I am made whole through You!”

Maybe there are lies in your life you have been holding on to without even knowing. I do hope Holy Spirit is revealing them to you if you have some. Just pray for Him to show them to you, repent of believing those lies, and declare the truth over your life with the Word of God.