Music Review- Zach Williams: Empty Grave

Zach Williams was inspired when he wrote the songs “Old Church Choir” and “Chainbreaker.” The former is an amazing tribute to the sound of gospel music. The latter is an incredible message about Jesus Christ and the freedom he can give you. With “Empty Grave,” from his new album Rescue Story, he gives a tribute…

#AmReading – The Unexpected Adventure By Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg

Christian apologist Lee Strobel teams-up with author Mark Mittelberg for The Unexpected Adventure: Taking Everyday Risks to Talk with People about Jesus, a daily devotional. From the synopsis on Amazon: When we seize opportunities to talk with others about Jesus, days that start out dull and tedious can quickly blossom into exciting escapades. Written for…

Pastor Warns Of Progressive Politics In Church

Religious conservatives have often warned about Leftism and Progressive ideology leaking into the Church, replacing the Gospel with the virtues of SJWS. Bethel Church Pastor and author Kris Vallotton discussed this on his blog. “Are you ‘row, row, rowing your boat’ gently down a political stream called progressivism? Sociopolitical agendas promoted under the misnomer of…