
StudioJake 115- Robert Pattinson Is Batman? Plus Toxic Fandom

The Batman is an upcoming film by Matt Reeves that has been plagued by delays. Today on StudioJake, I discuss the reports that Robert Pattinson has been cast as the Dark Knight. I also discuss Vox trying to censor comedian Steven Crowder as well as movie studios and actors attacking fans for being ‘toxic.’

Check out the episode below:

While I do think Robert Pattison gets a bad rap because he was in those films about a teen vampire, his casting as Batman does show that Warner Bros. has lost all touch with their fanbase, who applauded many others who were considered for the role. While sometimes the movies have to take a risk, it is dangerous to anger the fans who are the ones actually bringing in the box office receipts.

Louder With Crowder is actually funny, unlike late-night TV. That is what this is really about and that is why Vox is trying to censor Steven Crowder. They are jealous and see the danger of a Conservative comedian who gets more laughs than their hacks.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. Tell if there is a movie or graphic novel you would like to review. While you are at it, check out my movie review of the documentary Behind The Curve and my reaction to ‘Tenant,’ Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more posts like this one.

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