Interview With Author Kathy Ree

One of my favorite things is interviewing my fellow writers. Kathy Ree is not only a novelist, but also has experience editing books for other authors. This week, I had the pleasure of getting to ask her a few questions this week. Check it out! her answers are in bold. Where is your hometown? I…

Interview With Singer Liv V

This week is music week at the old blog! I am writing all kinds of music reviews, articles, posts, and movie reviews on some of my favorite musical happenings. Today, I interviewed a singer to kick off the week. I connected with the singer Liv V through her Instagram profile. She is a seriously talented…

Interview With Author Amber D. Tran

Amber D. Tran is an author whose debut novel Moon River hit Amazon and bookstores last September. I had the privilege of speaking to Mrs. Tran about her writings, inspiration, upcoming novels, and a whole host of other questions. She has a fascinating story and great insight. Check out our interview below. Her answers are in bold. This…